We are thrilled to announce today’s launch of the UK Schools’ Initiative Arts Programme for the Lifeline.
Leading the way forward was Welwyn St Mary’s Primary School in Hertfordshire with 60 pupils participating in a one-hour workshop to create a giant artistic Lifeline. Through visualisation and creating their artworks, the schoolchildren produced beautiful and spectacular artworks that expressed their desires for the world they want to live in.
Plans are now in progess to deliver this workshop to schools throughout the UK as part their curriculum based studies on environmental issues.
For more information on how to deliver a Lifeline art workshop in your school please contact
Climbing mountains, trekking through rainforests and travelling by public transport on the Lifeline's epic 18,000 mile means the equipment has to be the best.
And coming to our aid are our latest sponsors, video bag specialists Kata, and world leading tripod manufacturer, Manfrotto. Great to have you onboard, and thank you for what we reckon is the sturdiest gear on the planet.
The UK Lifeline Team have been filming at Karuna, a low impact permaculture project in Shropshire.
Living off-grid, a family of four have planted 7,000 trees, excavated a lake and created a self-sustaining garden. Ruth and Emily from Team Eur-Africa got their hands dirty and learned about edible flowers, how to make comfrey fertiliser, and the art of propagating fruit trees.
Karuna’s motto is…
“We have not inherited the world from our parents, we have borrowed it from our children”.
More info at
There’s more on the blog page and, coming soon, a Lifeline report with interviews and tips on how to leave the city behind and set up your own permaculture project.
The Lifeline is pleased to announce that Evohe, the Australian sustainable skin care company whose products are totally organic and fair-traded, is our latest financial and product sponsor.
A big thanks from us all for keeping our film-making teams fresh, clean and beautiful on their mammoth mission.
For information on Evohe see
If you are interested in sponsoring the Lifeline please contact
Humanity faces a deadline. If we do not make radical changes soon we will cause irreparable damage to the earth.
But there is hope: people around the world are finding ways of living sustainably and reducing their carbon emissions. Their way of living offers a lifeline for our future.
Mapping the Solutions...
On 9th September 2009 the Lifeline Global Initiative launched from London, New York and Sydney. 3 teams of 3 film-makers are embarking on an epic 18,000 mile, 12 month journey to arrive Autumn 2010 in Cape Town, Buenos Aires and Tokyo.
Each team of two documentary film-makers and one ‘ordinary’ person will walk, sail, ride and use public transport to document the individuals, businesses and communities implementing sustainable solutions.
The film-makers will cover nine main areas:
1. Energy
2. Shelter
3. Agriculture
4. Community
5. Conservation
6. Transport
7. Economy
8. Education
9. Health
Their reports be will uploaded to the Lifeline website to create a digital ark of information on sustainable living. This will be a positive guide, a concise ‘how to’ manual, to inspire people around the world to make positive changes in their own lives.
We hope that you too can come on the journey with us. Together we are capable of waking up to the deadline humanity faces and to create a Lifeline for the future, to live in harmony with nature and protect all Life on Earth for now and all for time.
This is the Deadline for the Lifeline.